Selasa, 26 April 2011


Subject                         : Natural or social phenomena description 
                                      in general
Communicative Purpose: To describe how the way things are
Generic structure: 
1.  General Classification: Posisi subject dalam kelompok tertentu 
                                       secara umum. 
2.  Description               : Ciri-ciri  fisik /karakter, kebiasaan, habitat 
                                       yang dimiliki subject 

Coconuts are one of the most useful fruits there are. The word coconut comes from the Spanish or Portuguese word coco which means grinning face. There are 3 holes on the coconut which make it look like a strange, funny face. The botanical name is cocos nucifera which means bearing nuts.
The flesh is used in meat dishes like curries, all kinds of cakes and the grated flesh and juice is also used in drinks. Coconuts are very important in the cooking of Indonesian food. In older coconuts, the flesh is used to extract coconut oil and also to make coconut cream. The husk is really useful too. It is used for gardening to keep water in the soil and as fuel for cooking.
How about the fiber, the stringy part underneath the husk? It’s really useful too, right? It’s used as stuffing in mattresses and cushions. And also, the shell is used to make cups and bowls, so there’s another use, for utensils. What an amazing fruit!
The tree trunks are also used to build houses. It is really strong wood. So that’s one more use, for building. Be careful when you are sitting under a coconut tree. Many people are killed each year by falling coconuts! They can be dangerous.

1. The text tells us about ...
    A. Coconut tree species
    B. Indonesian cuisine                                         
    C. How coconut is used                                     
    D. Indonesian tropical trees
    E. Coconut tree's advantage
2. Which information is not true according to the text?
    A. The coconut’s flesh cannot be used in meat dishes like 
         curries and all kinds of cakes.
    B. The husk can be used for gardening to keep water in 
         the soil and as fuel for cooking.
    C. The grated flesh and juice are used in drinks
    D. The flesh can be used to make coconut cream
    E. The flesh is used to extract coconut oil
3. The purpose of the text is…
    A. To describe the parts of coconut
    B. To describe the coconut in brief
    C. To explain how coconuts grow
    D. To inform the readers about coconuts
    E. To tell the disadvantages of coconuts 
4. Why do coconuts become one of the most important fruits 
    in our country?
    A. It is very important in the cooking of Indonesian food
    B. The tree trunks can be used for building houses
    C. All of the coconut's parts can be used
    D. The husk is used for gardening and cooking
    E. The flesh is used for extracting coconut oil

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