Selasa, 26 April 2011


Subject                         : Case / issue in our surrounding 
                                      (masalah / kasus di lingkuangan kita)
Communicative Purpose: To present (at least) two points of view
                                       about an issue.
                                       (Content : Pro and Contra about an issue)
                                       Menyajikan setidaknya 2 sudut pandang 
                                       suatu masalah / kasus. (isi: pro dan kontra 
                                       tentang suatu masalah)
Generic Structure          :
1. Issue : mengenalkan maslah
2. Argument : Pendapat/ alasan dalam 2 versi (pro dan kontra)
3. Conclusion / recommendation : kesimpulan / anjuran tentang 
                                                  pendapat/yang telah dikaji 

            Nuclear power is generated by using uranium which is a metal mined in various part of the world. The first large scale of nuclear power station was opened at Calder Hall in Cumbria, England in 1956.
            Some military ships and submarines have nuclear power plant for engine. Nuclear power produces around 11% of the world's energy needed, and produces huge amounts of energy. It cause no pollution as we would get when burning fossil fuels. The advantages of nuclear plant are as follow:
  •  It costs about the same coal, so it is not expensive to make.
  •  It does not produce smoke or carbon dioxide, so it does not contribute to the greenhouse effect.
  •  It produces huge amounts of energy from small amount of uranium.
  •  It produces small amount of waste.
  •  It is reliable.
             On the other hand, nuclear power is very, very dangerous. It must be sealed up and buried for many years to allow the radioactivity to die away. Furthermore, although it is reliable, a lot of money has to be spent on safety because if it does go wrong, a nuclear accident can be a major accident.
             People are increasingly concerned about this matter. In the 1990's nuclear power was the fastest growing source of power in many parts of the world

1. The text tells us about....
    A. Danger of nuclear power energy
    B. Benefit of nuclear power energy
    C. Safest source of energy, Nuclear  
    D. Opening of nuclear power station in Cumbria
    E. Controversies around nuclear power station
2. The following are the advantages of Nuclear Power except ….
    A. It is reliable.
    B. It produces small amount of waste
    C. It does not produce smoke or carbon dioxide
    D. It costs about the same coal, so it is not expensive to make. 
    E. It produces small amounts of energy from small amount 
         of uranium.
3. It must be sealed up and buried for many years to allow the 
    radioactivity to die away (Paragraph 3). 
    The synonym of the underlined word is....
    A. let
    B. run 
    C. ban
    D. forbid
    E. delete  
4. The  purpose of the text is....
    A. To persuade readers about nuclear power
    B. To describe how nuclear power energy is
    C. To explain the process of nuclear power
    D. To present two points of view about nuclear power
    E.  To inform readers about the benefit of nuclear energy 


Subject    : News
Communicative purpose: to inform readers, listeners or 
                            viewers about the event of the day
Generic structure:
1. Newsworthy event: berita utama dari suatu peristiwa 
                                  (inti kilas berita)
2. Background event:  latar belakang peristiwa secara rinci
                                  melibatkan bagaimana dan mengapa 
                                  peristiwa itu terjadi 
3. Source                 : Sumber yang memberikan informasi 
                                  berkaitan dengan suatu peristiwa. Ini 
                                  biasanya melibatkan verbal verbs seperti: 
                                  said, informed, told, reported, etc 

VIVAnews - Members of the House of Representatives (DPR) who recommend for the rights to inquiry on Bank Century bailout case are likely keener in probing into the case. The Bank Century auditing report, which has been publicly in circulation since last week, showed that Rp 500 billion of fund were allegedly channeled to a politician.
"The last finding has added to the suspected names in the list from three to four," DPR member from Golkar Party faction Bambang Soesatyo told VIVAnews on Monday, Nov 23.
The three names listed earlier were those taking the final decision on the bailout process.
The report mentioned that no least than Rp 3.7 trillion out of the total Rp 6.7 trillion of bailout fund were left unreported by the individuals who formulated and issued policies on the bailout fund. Of the unaccounted fund, as much as Rp 500 billion were allegedly transferred to a politician.
Therefore, Bambang implicitly called on the government supporting parties to clarify on the issue with reasonable arguments in an attempt to avoid President's reputation from being tarnished. 
It is evident that the Bank Century case is a key factor in determining whether or not the government will maintain stability. As a result, the government supporting parties should support the rights to inquiry in order to settle the case as soon as possible.
The public has been informed about the report on the bailout fund. It has caused DPR to exercise their rights to inquiry sooner," he said.
(Source: Jakarta Post)

1. The news is about....
    A. Money robbery at Bank Century
    B. Report to House of Representative
    C. Inquiry of  transferred money case
    D. Probe of Bank Century bailot case
    E.  Final decision on bailout process
2. How much money were allegedly received by the politician?
    A. No least than 3,7 million
    B. As much as  3.7 trillion
    C. Out of total 6.7 trillion
    D. More than 500 billion
    E. As much as 500 billion
3. The following statements are true based on the text, except:
    A. The public has known the report of the bailout fund
    B. Uncounted fund were allegedly channeled to a politician
    C. Government should ignore the rights to inquiry to settle 
         the case
    D. Bambang implicitly called on the government to clarify 
        on the issue
    E. The three suspected were taking the final decision on the 
         bailout process a key factor in determining whether or not the government 
    will maintain stability (Paragraph 6, line 1).     
    The synonym of the underlined 
    word is....
    A. proving
    B. deciding
    C. ensuring
    D. declaring
    E. publishing


Subject                      : Case / issue in our surrounding
Communicative purpose : To persuade readers/listeners that
                                   something should or should not
                                   be the case
Generic Structure         :
1. Thesis : Pengenalan masalah berupa peryataan pendapat
2. Argument : Alasan-alasan dan penjelasannya
3. Recommendation : Anjuran (seharusnya/tidak seharusnya

Smoking in a restaurant does not only give the bad impact to the active smokers but also  the passive ones.
Smoking in a restaurant is impolite. The smell of the smoke affects all people and can turn them off their food. People pay to taste good food and not to be put off by foul-smelling smoke.
Besides, smoking harm the others especially passive smokers, that is, breathing in smoke made by a smoker, can lead to asthma attacks and even cancer.
Finally, smoking is dangerous and a health risk to the smoker. Cigarettes cause heart and lung disease and people do not smoke anywhere, not just in restaurants.
Regarding to the bad impacts, smoking must not be allowed in any restaurants.

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1. The communicative purpose of the text is to…
    A. explain how the smoking can be dangerous
    B. retell about some positive effects of smoking
    C. persuade  readers with the smoking risk
    D. describe how the smoking is not allowed
    E. persuade readers that smoking must be banned
2. Smoking in a restaurant is impolite. (paragraph 2). 
    The synonym of the underlined word is…
    A.Rude                                D. Sensitive
    B. Polite                               E. Kind
    C. Delicate
3. The statements below are true based on the text, except
    A. Smoking is dangerous               
    B. Smoking makes us better           
    C. Smoking is unhealthy for the smoker
    D. Smoking must not be allowed
    E. Smoking harms to the others
4. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
    A. Smoking in a restaurant is rude to do
    B. Passive smoking is made by a smoker
    C. Cigarettes cause heart and lung disease
    D. Smoking in restaurants must not be allowed
    E. The smell of the smoke affects all people


Subject                         : Natural or social phenomena description 
                                      in general
Communicative Purpose: To describe how the way things are
Generic structure: 
1.  General Classification: Posisi subject dalam kelompok tertentu 
                                       secara umum. 
2.  Description               : Ciri-ciri  fisik /karakter, kebiasaan, habitat 
                                       yang dimiliki subject 

Coconuts are one of the most useful fruits there are. The word coconut comes from the Spanish or Portuguese word coco which means grinning face. There are 3 holes on the coconut which make it look like a strange, funny face. The botanical name is cocos nucifera which means bearing nuts.
The flesh is used in meat dishes like curries, all kinds of cakes and the grated flesh and juice is also used in drinks. Coconuts are very important in the cooking of Indonesian food. In older coconuts, the flesh is used to extract coconut oil and also to make coconut cream. The husk is really useful too. It is used for gardening to keep water in the soil and as fuel for cooking.
How about the fiber, the stringy part underneath the husk? It’s really useful too, right? It’s used as stuffing in mattresses and cushions. And also, the shell is used to make cups and bowls, so there’s another use, for utensils. What an amazing fruit!
The tree trunks are also used to build houses. It is really strong wood. So that’s one more use, for building. Be careful when you are sitting under a coconut tree. Many people are killed each year by falling coconuts! They can be dangerous.

1. The text tells us about ...
    A. Coconut tree species
    B. Indonesian cuisine                                         
    C. How coconut is used                                     
    D. Indonesian tropical trees
    E. Coconut tree's advantage
2. Which information is not true according to the text?
    A. The coconut’s flesh cannot be used in meat dishes like 
         curries and all kinds of cakes.
    B. The husk can be used for gardening to keep water in 
         the soil and as fuel for cooking.
    C. The grated flesh and juice are used in drinks
    D. The flesh can be used to make coconut cream
    E. The flesh is used to extract coconut oil
3. The purpose of the text is…
    A. To describe the parts of coconut
    B. To describe the coconut in brief
    C. To explain how coconuts grow
    D. To inform the readers about coconuts
    E. To tell the disadvantages of coconuts 
4. Why do coconuts become one of the most important fruits 
    in our country?
    A. It is very important in the cooking of Indonesian food
    B. The tree trunks can be used for building houses
    C. All of the coconut's parts can be used
    D. The husk is used for gardening and cooking
    E. The flesh is used for extracting coconut oil


Subject                          : Funny story
Communicative purpose : To retell an event with humorous twist
Generic structure:
1. Orientation : Pengenalan tokoh, setting waktu dan tempat
2. Event : Peristiwa yang terjadi
3. Twist : Plesetan yg lucu

Jimmy lived in the country, and he loved playing in a very shallow river near his house. It was no longer. When his father got a job in a big city, he moved to the city with his family.
Their new house has a garden, but the garden was very small. Jimmy was not very happy.
“Is there a river near here, Mom?” he asked his mother on the first morning.
His mother answered, “No, there isn’t, but there’s a beautiful park near here, Jimmy, and there’s a pool in it. We will go there this afternoon.”
Then Jimmy was happy.
After lunch, Jimmy and his mother went to the park. Jimmy wanted to walk near the pool, but there was a sign in front of him. His mother read it to him: “WARNING. The pool is dangerous, 367 people have fallen into the pool. “Jimmy looked into the pool carefully.
Then he said, “I can’t see them, Mom.”
                                      (Elementary from E.A in American English)
  1.What is the communicative purpose of the text?
     A. To amuse readers with Jimmy’s experience
     B.  To persuade readers to be a good boy
     C. To retell an event for the purpose of informing 
     D. To retell an event with humorous twist
     E. To describe how naughty the boy is
2. Why was Jimmy so sad in his new house? Because ….
    A. his father got a job in a big city
    B. he moved to city with his family
    C. he didn’t find a place to play like what he did before
    D. his mother asked him to the river near their house
    E. he and his mother went to a beautiful park
3. How was the feeling of Jimmy after hearing that his mother would 
    take him to a beautiful park?
   A. Delighted
   B. Miserable
   C. Angry
   D. Awful
   E. Upset
4.….he loved playing in a very shallow river near his house? 
   The antonym of shallow is ….
  A. Distant
  B. Deep
  C. Long
  D. Short
  E. Far


            One day when a rabbit was walking in the forest, he heard someone crying out, “Help! Help! Help me, please!”  He looked around and finally he saw a wolf. A great stone had fallen on his back, so he couldn’t get up. The wolf asked the rabbit’s help and he said he would die if nobody helped him.
            The rabbit worked very hard and finally he managed to get the big stone off the wolf’s back. However, instead of saying thank you, the wolf jumped up and caught the rabbit in this mouth. The rabbit cried and asked for the mercy but the wolf insisted on killing him for his meal.
            Then the rabbit said, “No good person kills someone who has helped him. It is not fair. You can ask the duck, who is very fat and knows everything.”
            Therefore both of them went to the duck. He listened to their story and he said, “Show me the stone, I want to know how the story happened.” Then, they all together went to the stone.”
            “Now, let me be sure about this, said the duck. “ Put the stone on the wolf’ back exactly as it was when you found him. “So the wolf lay down and with much effort the rabbit put the stone on his back again.
            “Well, what do you think?” the wolf asked the duck. The duck thought for a moment. Then he said, “I think you were wrong to be cruel to the rabbit, who had helped you. Now wait and see until someone else will help you!” And the duck and rabbit left the wolf in the sorry state in which the rabbit had come upon him. They laughed at the wolf although he asked for help. “Help! Help! Help me, please!”
1. What is the text about?              
A. A forest life
B. Wild animals
C. The rabbit and the wolf
D.  Food chain in ecosystem
E.  How the wolf was trapped
2.   The rabbit cried and asked for the mercy …. (par. 2). 
      What does the underlined word mean?
       A. time
B. sorry
C. reason
D. sadness
E. kindness 
3.   What did the rabbit do to the wolf?
A. He forgave the wolf
B. He wanted to eat the wolf
C. He lifted the stone on the wolf’s back
D. He helped the wolf meet the duck
E. He trapped the wolf in the forest
4.   What do we learn from the text?
A. Don't ever help a wolf
B. Go to a wise duck for an advice
C. Run away when we meet a wolf
D. We must thank the favor done for us
E. We need to lift the stones on the street


Subject                          : Case or problems in our surrounding
Communicative purpose : To persuade reader or listener that
                                       something is the case
Generic structure:
1. Thesis                          : Pengenalan masalah
2. Argument                     : Alasan / pendapat
3. Conclusion / reiteration : Kesimpulan

Slang is definitely a way to distinguish yourself as part of a group or separate from another group. Teens use slang to show their independence from their parents, and give them and their friends a language they can call their own. Slang sometimes allows them to communicate without outsiders understanding, or to show off that they belong to a particular group. Teens like to use slang words for several reasons.
Firstly, they use slang to show their individuality. Daily teen conversations can be incomprehensible to many parents and adults. Influenced by MTV, hip-hop culture and the popularity of e-mail, teenagers shorten words, stretch definitions and pronounce terms with a different style. The way they talks shows their confidence.
Secondly, they use slang because it is easier to say. They might talk the way they do with the words like “coz” for “because” and “holla” for “hello” and other expressions because the words are cool and easier to use, not because they are lazy.
Finally, they use slang for speed and usefulness, and a little humor of the day. Slang flows quicker than standard language. Slang can color their vocabulary and sentences, so that they don’t seem boring.
Thus, from the reasons above, it can be concluded that teens use slang words because using their own terms is the easiest way to make the world of their own.

1. The text above  mainly talks about....
    A. The objections of using slang words
    B. The growth of slang words
    C. The development of slang words
    D. The prohibition of using slang words
    E. The reasons why teens use slang words
 2. Which of the following sentences is not true according to 
     the text?
    A. A standard language flows more slowly than slang
    B. Parents and adults aren't familiar with teens' slang 
    C. Slang is not used by general groups
    D. Teens think that it’s easier to use slang
    E. Slang is a way to unite some different groups
 3. “Slang is definitely a way to distinguish yourself as part of 
     a group....The underlined word has the same meaning to....
    A. Differentiate
    B. Separate
    C. Confirm
    D. Reflect
    E. Unite 
4. What is communicative purpose of the text?
    A. To entertain readers with the Slang story
    B. To persuade readers about Slang usage
    C. To retell teens' experience with their Slang
    D. To explain how Slang can happen
    E.  To present two points of view of Slang


Recount : 
Communicative purpose: To retell an experience in the past (menceritakan kembali suatu pengalaman di waktu lalu)
Subject : Experience (pengalaman)
Generic structure: 
1. Orientation : pengenalan cerita (tempat, waktu, peristiwa awal)
2. Event : Peristiwa-peritiwa yg dilalui (Event 1, Event 2 dsb)
3. Re-orientation: kesimpulan akibat perjalanan peristiwa   

Contoh Soal Recount

Choose the best answer by crossing a, b, c, d, or e!

Text 1  is for number 1 to 4
Mr. Richard’s family was on vacation. They were Mr. and Mrs. Richard with two sons. They went to London. They saw their travel agent and booked their tickets. They went to the British Embassy to get visas to enter Britain. They had booked fourteen days tour. This included travel and accommodation. They also included tours around London.
They boarded a large Boeing flight. The flight was nearly fourteen hours. On the plane the cabin crews were very friendly. They gave them news paper and magazine to read. They gave them food and drink. There was a film for their entertainment. They had a very pleasant flight. They slept part of the way.
On arrival at Heathrow Airport, they had to go to Customs and Immigration. The officers were pleasant. They checked the document carefully but their manners were very polite. Mr. Richard and his family collected their bags and went to London Welcome Desk. They arranged the transfer to a hotel.
The hotel was a well-known four-star hotel. The room had perfect view of the park. The room had its own bathroom and toilet. Instead of keys for the room, they inserted a key-card to open the door. On the third floor, there was a restaurant serving Asian and European food. They had variety of food.
The two-week vacation in London went by fast. At the end of the 14th-day, they were quite tired but they felt very happy.

1. What does the text tell us about? 
A. Holiday to London
B. Visit to British Embassy
C.  Travel to Heathrow Airport
D.  Experience at four- star hotel
E.  Days at Asian and Europian restaurant

2. The following facts are about the hotel, Except:
A. The room had perfect view of the park
B. The room had its own  bathroom and toilet 
C. The room  needed a key-card to open its door
D. There was a restaurant serving Asian food in each room
E. The restaurant served various kinds of European food

3. Why did Mr. Richard’s family go to the British Embassy?
A. To obtain their visas
B. To meet the officers
C. To see the travel agent
D. To book their tickets
E. To get their vacation's schedule

4. On the plane, they got.......except
A. magazine
B. food
C. drink
D. newspaper
E. key-card 
5.  The hotel was a well-known four-star hotel. (Paragraph 4)
     The underlined word can be replaced by the words below, except:....
A. Popular
B. Famous
C. Outstanding
D. Familiar
E. Contaminated


Subject : Fiction: fairytale, myth, folktale, fable, etc. (cerita fiksi: 
                            Dongeng, Mitos, Cerita rakyat, cerita binatang,dsb) 
Communicative Purpose: To amuse or entertain reader 
                           (menghibur pembaca)
Generic structure: 
1. Orientation: Introducing participant/character, setting of time,  
                        setting  of place (memperkenalkan tokoh, setting 
2. Complication: conflict appearing (masalah yg muncul)
3. Resolution: Ending of conflict (pemecahan masalah, akhir masalah)
4. Re-orientation: conclusion in the form of moral value. 
    Re-orientation is optional. It depends on the writer whether he/she
    will add it at the end or not, like the text below ended by resolution. 
    No re-orientation found here.
   (Kesimpulan dalam bentuk pesan moral.  Re-orientation bersifat 
    pilihan. Ini tergantung pada penulisnya .  Seperti contoh teks berikut
    ini yg hanya diakhiri dengan resolution. Tidak ada Re-orientation  
    dalam teks ini) 

 Choose the best answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, or e!  
A long time ago, in a small village near the beach in West Sumatra, a woman and her son lived. They were Malin Kundang and her mother. Her mother was a single parent because Malin Kundang's father had passed away when he was a baby. Malin Kundang had to live hard with his mother.
Malin Kundang was a healthy, diligent, and strong boy. He usually went to sea to catch fish. After getting fish he would bring it to his mother, or sold the caught fish in the town.
One day, when Malin Kundang was sailing, he saw a merchant's ship which was being raided by a small band of pirates. He helped the merchant. With his brave and power, Malin Kundang defeated the pirates. The merchant was so happy and thanked to him. In return the merchant asked Malin Kundang to sail with him. To get a better life, Malin Kundang agreed. He left his mother alone.
Many years later, Malin Kundang became wealthy. He had a huge ship and was helped by many ship crews loading trading goods. Perfectly he had a beautiful wife too. When he was sailing his trading journey, his ship landed on a beach near a small village. The villagers recognized him. The news ran fast in the town; “Malin Kundang has become rich and now he is here”.
An old woman ran to the beach to meet the new rich merchant. She was Malin Kundang’s mother. She wanted to hug him, released her sadness of being lonely after so long time. Unfortunately, when the mother came, Malin Kundang who was in front of his well dressed wife and his ship crews denied meeting that old lonely woman. For three times her mother begged Malin Kundang and for three times he yelled at her. At last Malin Kundang said to her "Enough, old woman! I have never had a mother like you, a dirty and ugly woman!" After that he ordered his crews to set sail. He would leave the old mother again but in that time she was full of both sadness and angriness.
Finally, enraged, she cursed Malin Kundang that he would turn into a stone if he didn't apologize. Malin Kundang just laughed and really set sail.
In the quiet sea, suddenly a thunderstorm came. His huge ship was wrecked and it was too late for Malin Kundang to apologize. He was thrown by the wave out of his ship. He fell on a small island. It was really too late for him to avoid his curse. Suddenly, he turned into a stone.
1. What does the writer aim to write the text?
   A. To inform reader about Malin kundang
   B.  To entertain reader with Malin Kundang Story
   C.  To describe about Malin Kundang
   D. To discuss about Malin Kundang’s habit
   E.  To explain about Malin Kundang’s mother
2. Why didn’t Malin Kundang want to meet his mother?
    A. Because he was very busy
    B. Because he was heartsick
    C. Because he was angry with his wife
    D. Because his mother was very rich woman
    E. Because he was ashamed having a poor mother
3. What can we learn from the story
    A. Don’t be a rich man
    B.  Be respectful to our parents
    C.  Richness is the main purpose of life
    D.  Don’t go anywhere without your parents
    E.  Wealth can make us always survive
4. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
    A. Malin Kundang’s mother forgave him
    B.  Malin Kundang didn’t forgive his mother
    C.  Malin Kundang cursed his mother
    D.  Malin Kundang became a stone
    E.   Malin Kundang was still alive   
5. Finally, enraged, she cursed Malin Kundang that he would turn 
    into a stone if he didn't apologize. Malin Kundang just laughed 
    and really set sail. The synonym of the underlined word is....
   A. Early 
   B.  Eventually
   C.  Formerly
   D.  Previously
   E.  Intermediately